GrowerSELECT® Installation Manuals Binder

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA February 2017 23 Feed Bins Safety Cage 1. Attach the GST-LDR54SC ladder cage extension rails using the GST-LS6419, 2” spacer through the top two 3/8” diameter holes available on the vertical ladder. Secure using the FL0120331 5/16-18 x 2 ½ bolt and the HS722 Serrated Flange nut. GST-LS6404 Top View 4. Attach the GST-LS6416, 48” Tube to roof panel seem at the third hole from the ladder support bracket, using the HS712 bolt already installed 2. Attach the GST-LS6425 to the cage extension rail using the GST-LS6404 retainer and HS717 carriage bolt GST-LS6419 GST-LDR54SC GST-LS6425