GrowerSELECT® Installation Manuals Binder

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA August 2016 3 Ventilation Systems 5. To set “OPEN” limit of actuator, run actuator (open or extend) until desired opening is achieved (maximum 24”). Once “OPEN” position has been reached, disconnect power from unit so that local limit switch can be set. 6. Remove (4) screws from the end of the actuator located at the motor end and remove cover to gain access to Adjustment Wheel. 7. Adjust “OPEN” limit by loosening (2) screws as shown below and turn “Adjustment Wheel”. Adjustment Wheel rotates CCW when actuator extends shaft. To set “OPEN” limit, set “Adjustment Wheel” bump to the right of the switch button as shown below. Rotate adjustment wheel CCW until it just actuates switch. 8. Re-tighten “Adjustment Wheel” screws. 9. Manually run machine in “CLOSE” direction for approx. 6” and then in “OPEN” direction to verify “OPEN” limit is in desired position. Re-adjust wheel as required. 10. “CLOSED” limit is factory set and is not adjustable. Any attempt to adjust could result in permanent damage to linear actuator. SCREWS Loosen screws to adjust wheel. Rotate “Adjustment Wheel” CCW until bump just contacts limit switch pin. Screws