GrowerSELECT® Installation Manuals Binder

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA August 2014 3 Ventilation Systems Automatic/Manual Mode Setting The controller has two switches on the front panel. The right side switch selects either Automatic or Manual mode of operation. In Automatic mode, the Photohelic ® gage controls the vents to maintain pressure within the set-points. In Manual Mode, the vents can be opened or closed manually by the selection of the left side switch either OPEN or CLOSE. Electrical Specifications: Supply Voltage: 120VAC @ 50/60 Hz OR 240VAC @ 50/60 Hz depending on model. Output Contact Rating: 8A max per Vent machine. Installation Instructions: 1. Select location to mount controller. Location should provide adequate ventilation, and safe and easy access. 2. The controller must be mounted vertically. 3. Mount controller using the four mounting holes found on the outside corners of the enclosure. Ensure the controller unit is level and plumb. 4. Wire controller per wiring instructions on page 5. 5. Before the unit can be used, the gage must be zeroed. Open all doors and turn off all fans such that inside pressure of the building is equal to the outside pressure. Set gage to “Zero” by using the “Zero” adjustment screw found on the front of the gage. (Figure 1). Rotate adjustment screw slowly until the “Black” indicator needle aligns with “0” on the gage scale. “Zero” Adjustment “Black Indicator Needle”