GrowerSELECT® Installation Manuals Binder

Hog Slat Inc. Newton Grove, NC USA May 2017 24 GROW-DISK ™ Feed System GROW-DISK™ Sow Drop Assembling / Installation HSSD55 12 Pound Sow Drop Feeder The GrowerSelect HSSD Feeder Sow Drop Dispenser is specifically designed to hold and deliver feed to gestating sows within a swine facility. The capacity of each feed dispenser is 1-1/2 to 12 pounds. The delivery of feed can be controlled manually or automatically with the use of winches, trip levers, actuators, control units, timers, and sensors. Item Description Part Number 1 Tank HSSD55-1 2 Ball Drop with String HSSD01 3 Shut-off Gate HSSD02 4 Feed Measure Gate HSSD03 5 Cap HSSD04 6 Grommet HSSD06 7 Hose Clamp HSHC-36 8 Clip HSSD05 9 Thumb Nut 1/8” HSH032