2020 Hog Slat/Georgia Poultry Retail Product Catalog

79 BREEDING/GESTATION Remote-Controlled, Self-Guided and Articulated Boar Cart... Designed by Pig Breeders for Breeders Most Efficient Sow Stimulation, Heat Detection and Insemination System on the Market! #1051102 ................................................................................AIP, injected molded The AIP The AIP is an improved model featuring an injection molded saddle that also provides a tighter fit. IT’S VIRTUALLY INDESTRUCTIBLE! 1) #AIB ................................................................................................... Saddle only 2) #AIBR ...............................................................................................Rod for bags 3) #AIBT ..............................................................................Rod for tubes & bottles A.I. Buddy A rugged “hands-free” insemination device with a solid plastic saddle and aluminum rods. Choose from two different rods; one for bottles and tubes and the other for bags. Designed without velcro or fabric that can deteriorate with use The Magic of Pheromones and Snout-to-Snout Contact! FOR MAXIMUM HEAT DETECTION AND STIMULATION WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION MAXIMUM STIMULATION QUICK PAYBACK Successfully proven and unique state-of-the-art heat detection tool. Renowned and adopted by the worldwide community of pig producers. Has revolutionized the productivity of the swine industry since 1997. Genuine futuristic technology based on natural mating ritual of pigs. Contact-O-Max exposes boar to sows for optimal sustained snout-to-snout contact; optimizes sow fertility and makes work easier. Rigorous, precise, reliable and efficient heat detection system; requires only 15 seconds per sow twice a day to stimulate and heat check. Drastically decreases number of heat returns and late weaners. Guarantee of maximum stimulation and successful insemination. One of the most cost-effective pieces of equipment in a sow barn. Fastest and best return on investment; payback less than 2 months for 1000 sows. Yields farrowing rates up to 95%. Only one worker is needed. #HSCJ20SXX ................................... Coitact-O-Max Jr. 20” Wide Stainless Steel #HSCS23XXX ...................................................Contact-O-Max Sr Stainless Steel Handy Remote Self-Guiding System Optimized Snout-To-Snout Contact One-Worker Operation S r STAINLESS STEEL! J r Galvanized STAINLESS STEEL! 1. 2. 3.