GrowerSELECT offers a complete line of single speed and variable speed electric fan motors that are used to power our AirStorm and WindStorm fans. We specify performance standards and source our motors from the manufacturer which allows us to pass the savings on to you. Rest easy knowing that all GrowerSELECT motors are covered by an industry leading 2 year warranty!
- By selling direct to you, we eliminate the extra costs paid when a dealer is involved
- Models available to replace old motors on most common brands of swine and poultry fans
- High level of reliability allows us to offer the best warranty in the business
- In-house engineering and quality assurance groups constantly evaluate and improve motors
- High-service factor models perform even under varying voltage inputs common in rural areas
Single Speed Fan Motors
GrowerSELECT single speed fan motors are used on our AirStorm and WindStorm exhaust fans. Motor models are available for use as replacements on most common 36” direct drive box/stir fans and belt driven exhaust fans ranging from 36” to 54” in size, used in swine and poultry production buildings.
GrowerSELECT® single speed fan motors are designed and manufactured to excel at operating exhaust fans on swine and poultry farms.- TEAO motor design is especially reliable in high moisture and dusty environments
- Permanently lubricated ball bearing provides smooth operation and long life
- 5/8” shaft constructed of 1144 hardened steel resists breakage under heavy loads
- Auto overload feature prevents motor damage if it overheats and allows it to reset after cooling
- 50/60 Hz construction uses heavier wire and more mass for better heat dissipation and longer life
Variable Speed Fan Motors
GrowerSELECT variable speed fan motors are used in our AirStorm exhaust fans and WindStorm stir/circulation fans. Models are also available for use as replacements on most common direct drive fans ranging 8” to 36” in size used in swine and poultry production applications.
- Full 56 frame motors feature a 5/8” diameter internal shaft for increased strength and double sealed ball bearings to provide smooth operation and long life
GrowerSELECT® variable speed fan motors are designed and manufactured to effectively meet the changing air flow needs on swine and poultry farms.- A nylon slinger disc on the motor shaft restricts water and contaminants from moving up the shaft into the bearings when the fan is running
- A removable rear cap houses and protects the motor capacitor and all wiring terminals, improving aerodynamics over the motor and making it easier to wire compared to the cramped areas found on most other motors
GroBelt Fan Drive Belts
A worn fan belt can decrease a fan’s CFM efficiency by as much as 20%. Replacing fan belts yearly is recommended to maintain the performance and efficiency of your fans. GroBelt fan belts are an affordable, quality replacement available in a wide range of sizes to fit all applications.
- Type A Belt, Type Ax Cogged Belt and Type B Belt
- Built of wear resistant high modulus compression rubber with embedded low stretch polyester fiber cords
- Neoprene outer ply to prevent belt slippage
- Any time a fan belt is riding below the edge of the pulley, or bottoming out on the pulley it is time for a replacement belt and/or pulley