
Loading Chutes

Loading Chutes

Hog Slat manufactures stationary and portable loading chutes for moving pigs between barn facilities and transport trailers. Hog Slat loading chutes are designed to be used in finishing barn, nursery barn, sow farm and other swine production facilities. Load chute models are available in multiple options with various features to meet the pig loading needs on every farm.

Stationary Loading Chutes

Hog Slat’s stationary loading chutes are designed for permanent installation outside a barn load-out door or exterior holding pen. Manual and electric winch systems are available to adjust load chute height as needed. Stationary loading chutes are available in 20’ and 28’ lengths.

All standard stationary loading chute models require a ground lift I-beam unit and either a manual or electric winch kit system to complete installation. (Additional equipment sold separately)

Loading crew personnel can navigate the chute and control pig flow using the walk board mounted on the exterior of all outside walkway chute models.Loading crew personnel can navigate the chute and control pig flow using the walk board mounted on the exterior of all outside walkway chute models.

Outside Walkway Models

The outside walkway model of stationary loading chute features an exterior walkway board that runs along the length of a chute on one side, allowing loading personnel to manage pig flow from any point along the alley way.

  • Metal roof cover kits are available as an added option
  • Threshold plates provide a smooth transition for pigs between chute alley way and transport trailer decks
  • Treated plywood or corrugated metal wall panel options are available
  • Treated wood plank floors standard, composite plank floor option available

Item # 8600000100: 20’ load chute, wood floor/walls, outside walk board

Item # 8600000103: 20' load chute, wood floor, metal walls, outside walk board

Item # 8600010100: 28' load chute, wood floor/walls, outside walk board

Item # 8600010103: 28' load chute, wood floor, metal walls, outside walk board

Item # 8600010111: 28' load chute, composite floor, metal walls, outside walk board

Inside Walkway Models

Inside walkway model stationary loading chutes are designed with a walkway for loading personnel separated by a wall partition from the alley that pigs travel through. The interior walkway provides additional adequate space to maneuver along the chute length as well as protection from the exterior side wall of the loading chute body.

Inside walkway models feature an interior wall partition that separate pigs and loading crew workers.Inside walkway models feature an interior wall partition that separate pigs and loading crew workers.
  • Interior wall partition creates an 18” wide walkway for loading personnel to navigate the length of the chute and a 28” wide alley for pigs to travel through
  • Threshold plates provide a smooth transition for pigs between the chute alley way and transport trailer decks
  • Treated plywood exterior side walls, walkway partition, and treated wood floor planks help reduce noises when loading pigs
  • Metal roof cover kits are available as an added option
  • Entrance door located at the barn end of the chute provides a safe, convenient walkway access point for drivers and loading crew as needed

Item # 8608111100: 20' load chute, no cover, wood floor/walls, interior walkway

Item # 8608131100: 28' load chute, no cover, wood floor/walls, interior walkway

Item # 8608181100: 20' load chute, with cover, wood floor/walls, interior walkway

Item # 8608191100: 28' load chute, with cover, wood floor/walls, interior walkway

Adjustment Winch Kits

All standard stationary Hog Slat loading chutes require a ground lift I-beam unit (Item # 8601990100) and a manual or electric winch kit.

Manual Winch Kit (Item # 8601980001)

Manual adjustment winch kits include a 3,500 pound rated hand winch with automatic brake, 3-1/2” cast iron pulleys with double flange bearings; 1/4” galvanized steel cable, 1/4” high-test steel safety chain and all associated mounting hardware required to attach the kit to a ground lift I-beam unit.

Electric Winch Kit (Item # 8607000000)

Electric winch adjustment kits include a 3/4 HP 60Hz 115/230V drive motor, 4,000 pound rated gear box, wired paddle switch, 3-1/2” cast iron pulleys with double flange bearings; 1/4” galvanized steel cable, 1/4” high-test steel safety chain and all associated mounting hardware required to attach the kit to a ground lift I-beam unit.

Hog Slat Speed Crank for Load Chute Winches

The Hog Slat speed crank can be attached to a standard drill and used to reduce the amount of time required to adjust manual winches on load chute systems. At 26 ounces and 8-1/2 inches in length, it is a great tool to keep handy when the time comes for loading pigs.

Portable Loading Chutes

Hog Slat portable loading chutes are built on a trailer style chassis and can be easily moved as needed to barn load-out areas. A manually operated hand winch allows chutes to be quickly adjusted for moving pigs between transfer trailers and hog barns. Portable load chutes are available in 20’ or 28’ lengths.

Hog Slat portable loading chutes can be moved as needed to a barn when loading/unloading pigs. Portable loading chutes are available with or without roof covers.Hog Slat portable loading chutes can be moved as needed to a barn when loading/unloading pigs. Portable loading chutes are available with or without roof covers.
  • All portable loading chutes feature an 18” interior walkway created by a wall partition, separating loading personnel from the 28” wide alley pigs travel through
  • Entrance door located at the barn end of the chute provides a safe, convenient walkway access point for drivers and loading crew as needed
  • Sloped rear helps reduce gaps between loading chute and barn load-out doors
  • Two adjustable outriggers provide increased stability during use
  • Heavy-duty manual winch system with 4:1 pulley system quickly adjusts chute to trailer decks (includes safety chain)
  • Treated lumber plank floor and plywood wall panels reduce noises during loading
  • Weight-balanced for easy transporting
  • Available with or without a metal roof cover
  • Models available with a T-style end to facilitate end-chute or side-chute loading into trailers
  • Portable loading chutes with self-contained hydraulic lifting systems are available

Item # 8608361100: 20’ load chute, portable, no cover, manual winch

Item # 8608371100: 20' load chute, portable, with cover, manual winch

Item # 8608391100: Item # 8608391100: 28' load chute, portable, with cover, manual winch

Item # 8608381100: 20' load chute, portable, with cover, T-end, manual winch

Item # 8609861100: 28' load chute, portable, with cover, T-end, manual winch

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Hog Slat stationary loading chutes are available in multiple configurations to meet the needs of any swine production operation.

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Hog Slat loading chutes feature floor pickets that provide additional traction for pigs when loading at steeper angles or during inclement weather conditions. Composite plank options are available on some load chute models, providing an option for flooring material that can stand up to harsh outdoor and operating conditions even better than treated wood planks. og Slat ground lift I-beam units provide strong support for stationary loading chutes and are outfitted with a choice of manual hand winch or electric winch adjustment kits. Electric winch kits allow producers to quickly and easily adjust loading chute height with a simple paddle style switch. The Hog Slat Speed Crank attaches to any standard drill chuck and makes quick work out of adjusting manual winches on loading chutes. Hog Slat portable loading chutes can be easily moved from one load-out area to another as needed when pigs need to be transferred between barns and livestock trailers.